Wonderful Moview: Gods of Egypt (2016)

the Gall of you to come on my comment and call me an idiot, and a religious fanatic like you know me... for having an opinion that differs from yours?... Swallow glass and suffer long and hard. "Undeniable facts" "100% fictional".... With\without logic one can deny anything they choose technically. 2.) 100% fictional?... How tf would you know? so you were born all those years ago? Or it never happened because a bunch of Scientists say it didn't?...but I guess that would be too literal huh? Lmao... For the record I'm not religious. you presumptious bastard . I give zero shits if its real or not. Some believe it is. If people believe in it, Let them. You can take your inconsiderate, supercilious ass on with that shit dude. People can be offended all day if they please. So all people who believe in what YOU classify as fiction... Are stupid is what you're saying? Lol People like you make me sick. So you don't think that its ok for Christian Jews, or Asian Buddhist, or African Khemetiologist to feel offended if they mis-casted characters because YOU find religion silly and fully fictional?.... Who the fuck do you think you are? I'm done with this rabble because its unfruitful, and you're a inconsiderate, piece of dragon Shit. Wow, they could've just as easily made this greek, like with Hades instead of Set, Zeus instead of Ra, and Apollo instead of Horus. I mean, if they were gonna cast white people with British accents in a completely original non-mythological oriented story with super cheesy robotic CGI anyway, I don't see the point of making it Egyptian. It even looks identical to Clash of the Titans and The Immortals. I really don't understand the thought process here.

If you cannot see this video visit here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOdeJFZ8sxY
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