Airplane Crash: Two clips from the same crash

I love how some people seem to have the inate ability to shake the camera and point it everywhere BUT where something video-worthy is going on. "Oh look, a plane taking off! I'll follow it with my camera, but I'll choose the exact moment that something goes wrong to start fiddling with the focus, then I'll get a perfect view of the back of someone's head, then I'll shake the camera all around and point it everywhere except the runway." It's because when the something unexpected happens, people usually get surprised and take their eyes off the camera to look directly and they point the camera down. I think it was disrespectful to say in the title that it's epic. No, hundreds died in each scene other than the ones of them driving aircraft themselves which was still likely killing 2. epic??? epic???? an airplane crash is not epic, i have nearly been in one. in 2008 an MD80 of an airline called Spanair, chashed in take off in Madrid, the airpane was going to Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) and i remember, me and my family went in the same route, same airplane and same airline 1 week earlier, soooo yep :/. That was one. There have been others. I heard of one accident in which the engine instruments were reversed. This is something that the pilot should have noticed but apparently he didn't.

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