Beast of Tenby looks like a cow

Most of these were found washed up on beaches. One possibility is that since the ocean is full of creatures that haven't been discovered, these could be the corpses of some of those creatures.?Dinosaurs still exist Platypus is a dinosaur and a crocodile is also a dinosaur and there are more animals that are called dinosaurs today?. crocodiles are living fossiles, so they are not exactly dinosaurs ^^ and the platypus was made when nature had a hangover from saturday night. jk it is a link between reptiles and mammals.?. This was an interesting video, but in my mind, there was always the thought, that all of these probably have boring explanations. Like that body of a racoon, that was found on a beach. People thought it was an experiment from a lab on an island nearby, but it actually only was a racoon wihtout it's fur. :/i wonder why so many flip their shit about these. sure some of them are freaky and unexplainable and i also don't want to meet some of them at night, but same goes for some of my neighbours and i still don't call officials. what if they are just some new rare species'? would be pretty cool i think.?. And people wonder why I refuse to swim in the ocean. Or even get anywhere near the water, for that matter. The stuff we know about is creepy enough to keep me away, but the stuff we don't seals the deal. Terra firma for me!?

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