The Most Sexiest KPOP Dance in Korea-What She Dance Really Great

The other girls were more in the really in the "hay look at my sexy body boys" type while AoA isn't reallly that much of th...
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Most beautiful korean dancing girl in the world

the best remix and sexy Korean dancers "Khmer Penh chet" you are the best!!!!😀😀😀Park Eunsol is her full name. Bambino is the...
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Airplane Crash: Two clips from the same crash

I love how some people seem to have the inate ability to shake the camera and point it everywhere BUT where something video-worthy is goin...
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Big Shark You Really Ever Seen Before- Check it out!

You'd think that Michel Lotito would have died from eating fucking 50 BLOBS OF METAL my question is HOW. i kind feel like we need a sa...
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Beast of Tenby looks like a cow

Most of these were found washed up on beaches. One possibility is that since the ocean is full of creatures that haven't been discover...
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Amazing Videos: Unbelievable Child in Mouth's Shark

Look, to make it clear, there's still nice dolphins, but there's a small percent of cruelty, something nature never did. (Deaths f...
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Shocking Video that make your cry

actualy if dolphins doing that they want to suicide cause they feel some sickness and they dont wanna be drowned. I cried because I waste...
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Amazing and Dangerous Near Death

shark one was awesome man. the beach in gta5 is the same as the one in sharknado. its even got the bridge going over the highway. and the...
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Wow K-pop's so awesome at high school

When I was in high school (2008~2012), girls my age wouldn't even move. When we had PE, I was one of the best and most active (though ...
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Firetruck should have just rammed the car in front

In Germany you had to drive on the right side off the street. When you dont do dlthat you have to pay more than 4000 e and when sometjings...
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He's on Stan lee's super humans

You'd think that Michel Lotito would have died from eating fucking 50 BLOBS OF METAL my question is HOW. i kind feel like we need a s...
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Amazing Lady with Short Shorts, Bikinis

That was awesome.Also when you give me patterns like marble I immediately see hundreds of diferent images, When I look at my bathroom flo...
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